Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So busy

I don't blog when I get busy. It should be a priority to stay on top if blogging, especially when we are busy. The stuff we want to remember happens during busy days, not down days.

Yesterday was one of those busy days. Up for chores, then sorted 2 dry cows, one heifer with health problems and 1 steer, off to Pipestone to sell them. This will be the first dry cows we sell, if they do well, we will keep selling, if not, who knows. It could mean we continue milking till god knows when.

From Pipestone we headed to Marshall, picked up a few groceries, ate a quick dinner at KFC, then home. Took a little rest then out to pick rock. Got the home place picked. Chores and then an early bedtime.

Ok, we went from winter jackets 4 days ago to 99 degrees today. The winds are so strong it is hard to walk across the yard. Dave had to feed cows silage in the barn because the wind would blow it in the air instead of in the bunk where it belongs.

Today picked rock by Strands in the morning. Home, hotdogs, Dave moved calves and I worked on getting my picture orders done. Wanted to plant garden but the winds prevented that.

In between chores I mixed up a cake for Angela S. and made a small one for us.

Going to work on pictures for a while again tonite, watch the Mentalist, then bed.

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