Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday Morning

It's only 10:30, but I feel like I've run a marathon this morning. It is so cold today,
15 degrees below zero. Yesterday was like 22 above in the morning. It fell all day, along with 5 inches of snow. No school in any of the surrounding schools. It has been a nasty winter so far.

Down in the barn this morning we were greated by a new baby girl. Got her feed, her mama milked, when we noticed the other heifer in the pen started labor. That is fine, except we are out of calf pens. Guess we will be doubling up. We can't complain, the cows and heifers are having these babies all by themselves and (knock on wood), all are staying healthy. So, tonite I will have 2 babies with bottles again.

Dave worked hard yesterday morning, getting all his work done before the winds and cold started. He had to grind feed for the cows, then he got his silo working again. Yeaaaaa for working silos! Today he is pushing snow. Carter is going to have some huge snow hills to play on.

I got 45 minutes in on the eliptical trainer. Now going to head up and try to get Adam's room cleaned up and the spare room organized. I know it will take more then one day, probably like 4 days.

My picture today is of jackson being silly.

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