Sunday, April 5, 2009

Snow and Twins

A late spring snowstorm has brought us 6 inches of snow since last night. Was so pretty I had to go out at 10:00pm and snap some pictures. Yesterday had a cow have twins. That isn't very common here and to tell the truth, I don't like twins. Not because it is double the work, but because they are usually a little harder to get started. These two seem to be doing well. One was a girl and one a boy. That combination is not what dairy farmers like to see being born. When it is 2 girls they are both going to be fertile, but when one is a boy, the girl is usually not going to be able to conceive, then we have to raise her like a steer.

Went to Marshall Friday. We had to stock up on baby presents. Suzanne and Mark had a little girl and Sarah and Eric had a little boy. Got some groceries and then had dinner at the Hitching Post. Was OK, but nothing exciting.

Here is a picture of the snow on Sat. night.

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