Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Chores, and then Dave started planting corn. He was back home in a half hour, radar thingy didn't work. He switched the radar from a different tractor and off he went again. Got the 55 acres planted at home and 80 acres up on the cemetery field. Ryan came after work and ran the planter while we milked. He stayed for a beer, but wouldn't eat supper (butthead).

At evening chores the silo unloader stopped working and we could smell something burning. There is always something going wrong in that barn lately.

I made my Redwood run today for the weekly essentials. I dropped off Krysta's engagement pictures and picked up a few groceries and birthday presents for Addisyn. It is 9:30, I'm ready for bed.

My pictures today are a sunrise the other morning. So pretty. Then Cookie had to be in todays blog. I was unloading the car after I got home from Redwood, I kept the basement door open for maybe 1 minute, then I went outside for chores. Here Cookie must have gone into the kitchen, took a little Cookie poop, and ran back outside. That dog is a pain in my side!

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