Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Day of Rock Picking

Today after milking, chicken chores, breakfast, plant watering, we went out to the field at home and started picking rock. I was tractor driver, so didn't get in on too much picking, but did climb off a few times. The rock was thick in places. Dave had to drag the field earlier, and thinks he drug up a bunch more rock. He had to drag because he had started planting the field, got about 10 acres planted, then it started raining. It rained so hard that a crust formed on top of the soil. The crust made it so the corn couldn't poke out of the ground. Dragging enable the crust to break up and let the corn come up.

Ryan showed up at 10:00 and helped pick till 3:00. He was sure a lifesaver for Dave today! Cory stopped and brought Dave beer from Wilmar. So much cheaper then around here. Rob was working today, so he stopped too, but we missed him. I made cheeseburgers on the grill for the boys.

It got up to 82 today. Finally some heat. Ry and I opened the windows and doors for the chicks, they were really warm.

Since I don't have any pictures of us picking rock, thought I would post one of my tomatoes poking out of their wall o waters. I am so happy with their progress.

Night milking, grilled steak, long hot bath..........bedtime.

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