Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I should be in bed

but, as usual, I got my second wind. I will do a quick catch up then off to bed.

The guys finished combining beans Sunday afternoon. Cory hauled 2 loads that wouldn't fit in the bins to the elevator. Becky and the boys came over and we went to the apple orchard, got some great pictures and the boys had fun. Carter loves the boats, Jack loved the apple crisp and ice cream. C

Cory left to go to Stacy's about 5:00, Rob, Bex and the kids left about 6:00, chores, carmel apple for supper (yummy)and then the cloads rolled in. It started to thunder and lighting and then rain. We got a half an inch. Was nice to have the beans done and the combine in the shed. Good thing those boys have so much ambition and push late into the evening.

Here are some pictures of the apple orchard. Funny story. On the way over, Carter got a little bit of the devil in him, reached over and pulled Jack's hair. Well, as you can see in the picture, Jack didn't forget. What goes around comes around Carter

Friday, September 26, 2008

Breakdown day-Friday

Was a good day today. We had some minor breakdowns, a sickle blade broke on the combine. Took a half hour to get that fixed. Just got back home from the field and Cory called, his tractor was heating. I went and picked him up and he blew out the air filters. Later on it heated again, so they ran me to town to get a heat sensor. I then picked Dave up, drove him home to put the sensor in. Got Cory going again, then I drove Dave back up the the quarter so he could start combining again. Harvestland spread fertilizer so Cory could chisel, he finished up Flavia's 40 acres, then got most of the home field done.

Dave was ready to quit at 8:00, but Ryan wanted to keep combining, it is now 10:30 and they are going to finish the field. Cory and Stacy went out to get the last load. We are all going to be dragging tomorrow.

I got to give Suzanne her pictures this morning. Then I basically spent the day running. I made Lasagna for supper, but they haven't eaten yet.

90 degrees today, windy everyday.

The copper stopped tonite. Didn't get to talk to him long, we were just finishing chores. I could almost feel his longing to get into a tractor. You can take the boy off the farm, but you can't take the farm outta the boy. I hope his two weeks off works for corn!!! I am praying it works.


The pictures are pretty self explanatory today.

Carter, you love to pretend your driving and especially love to back up. I asked you when you were in the tractor what you want to be when you grow up, I said "do you want to be a policeman like Daddy, or a John Deere fixer like Uncle Ryan"? You said "I just want to be big enough when I grow up to drive tractor all by myself". Sweet boy, time flies so fast, you will be "big enough" before you know it!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

It was an other great day


To work in the field. We got another 55 acres of soybeans combined.

This morning I was helping Dave unload beans and apparently was not paying attention and ran beans all over the ground when the overflow valve opened, plus I broke some thing because the pipe got too full. Crap! Guess that is enough daydreaming for me.

I cleaned house and did laundry, picked up apples, baked bread and buns, cooked up a chicken and made supper with it, so I was busy today.

Ryan came about 6:30 and finished up the field at home while Dave milked.

Rob stopped in for 10 minutes.

I have been having stomach pains again today. Guess I will be going to the doctor if this doesn't stop soon. Crap again!

I was going through my pictures tonite and found this one of Jack. What a cutie pie. I missed the big red ball of a sunset by 1 minute tonite.

My chicks laid (layed?) 7 eggs tonite. I'm in the egg business!

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

First day of Harvest

Today started the first harvest. Dave combined the beans on the 80. Ryan came after work and finished up for him. We left the beans in the trailers and will unload them tomorrow. The president talked tonite, course we missed it. Scary, scary times. I emailed both my senators and told them to vote no for the 800 billion dollar bail out, or I don't vote for them in Nov.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A trip down memory lane

means a trip to my little hometown. Even though it is only 13 miles from where I live now, I don't get there very often. When I do, I always end up thinking about my high school years. I loved being a teenager for the most part. I had great friends, a job I loved, and a school that didn't push me to learn much. So today I had a dentish appt. I have been going to Dr. Danielson since I was 16 years old. That means he has been my dentist for 35 years. He is the best, he has a quiet demeanor and gentle touch. He is what a dentish should be. No caveties for this girl. I celebrated that with a milky way when I was done. Yesh, tomorrow no carbs for this chubby mama! I drove past my parents house. Not too many memories there, they tore down the house I lived in and built a new one. By then I was married, so didn't spend much time at the new house. Then down to Kuhar Park. Wow, sure hasn't been kept up. I was disappointed in it. I know times are hard, and these small towns don't have the money to keep up appearances, but I hope someday it gets better again. I did get a few good pictures there. I love the water, even Kuhar Park water.

As for productivity today, well, I got a pan of apple crisp baked, kitchen cleaned up, kitchen messed up, kitchen cleaned up. I just can't get my s$%# together and get this place spic and span like I want it. Maybe because I cook and bake all day long it seems like. I did a pan of buns too, made hamburgers for dinner, cooked the breast of one of my chickens for supper and had hot chicken sandwiches on those fresh warm buns. Yummy.

Rob stopped today for a little while. He was helping someone in Lamberton fill silo the last two days.

I got my picture order today. Will have to sit down tomorrow and figure out whos pictures are those. I love them all, they turned out great!

I get to take Carter and Jack's pictures Friday, Julie and Bill are coming the third week in Oct. and Robyn's 2 sister-in-laws want their family pictures done the week after that. I still have to get Kate and Betsy finished up. Busy, I love it!


Monday, September 22, 2008

A call at 6:45am

can change the plans I have made for the day, but I always say plans are made to be broken. Robyn call this morning, Addisyn was running a fever, could I watch her? Of course! This was much better then cleaning out the furnace room! She was feeling pretty chipper after breakfast, so we went to Ry and Robyn's house and picked up the windfall apples. Went home and made 14 pints of the prettiest pink applesauce and a pan of apple crisp. I am trying to figure out the topping they use at the Apple Orchard. It is go good. I am close, but not there yet. Addisyn took a 2 hour nap while I canned, so I still got a lot done.

Dave went to Springfield, got feed and bacon. He also bought a load of hay from the Netsky's (sp).

I made supper in my new pressure cooker tonite. Took some rib steak (so not Dave's favorite), browned it, added tomato sauce, onion and peppers, then cooked it for 30 minutes. Was falling apart tender. Yummy.

My two favorites from today.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

more orchard pictures


Griffy slept through some of the trip. He sure did like the apple crisp and ice cream!
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A trip to the Orchard


Addisyn is just getting to be more and more fun. She had so much fun running and playing among the pumpkins and apples. The Orchard is so pretty, I never get tired of going there. The carmel apple doesn't hurt either.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The reason I live in Minnesota

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Today was beautiful again. Sunny and 80 degrees, no humidity, no flies. This is the reason I live in Minnesota. Autumn is my favorite season. Warm during the day, with a chill in the air at night. Tomatoes from the garden, apples off the tree, everything turning rich shades of orange, gold, burgandy. LG........

Robyn called and wanted to shampoo her upstairs carpet and wanted to borrow my shampoo-er (I don't think that is a word, but oh well). I offered to take the kiddos while she shampooed. We played outside on the slide then had a picnic of graham crackers and water in sippy cups. I think Cookie ate more crackers then we did, but it sure was fun. I am so glad I found that rummage sale with the little tykes toys. What a good find! The kids love them.

Dave shot pigeons this morning. We are getting so many that they are wrecking our pole barn. Cory is home for the weekend. He spent all day yesterday and today at Goblirsch's filling silo. Tonight he and Stacy went to Zac and Tina's to celebrate Avery's first birthday.

The "cop" stopped tonight and I talked him into letting me take pictures of his squad car. I would have loved to have him climb out and get in the picture, but he refused. He is a bachalor for the weekend. Bex and the boys, and Harley are in Redwing. I bet it is beautiful there. I LOVE that town! Bet the leaves are turning there right now.

Dave is having back problems again. Just like last year at this time.

I made hot chicken sandwiches for supper. Yummy. I had 2 tomatoes with mine. I know that soon the season will be over and the thought of no more fresh tomatoes (or toe-mo-nat-os as Addisyn calls them) is enough to make me cry. Oh, I love those tomatoes!!!

Well, I have written enough. Good night

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A quick note.

I said I would be in bed by 9:00 tonite, it is already 10:02. Today is Sept. 11, a sad, sad day in history. I couldn't take my eyes off the whole replay of the tragic events that happened in New York.

I did get some tomatoes canned today, laundry done, a little housecleaning. Now, off to bed.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My To Do List

I had 5 things on my to do list today, not 1 of them got crossed off..........It isn't like I sit around the house eating bon bons all day, I just get side tracked. This morning I got to take pictures of sweet little Emily. After she went home I sat right down and got them edited and up on Flickr so her mama can see them. Then I went for my hour walk. Got home and cooked up half a chicken and made some wonderful low carb chicken broccoli soup. I can wait for supper tonite! Here is the recipe. I just tweaked it a little. I had no cauliflower home, so I used broccoli, that is it. I took a taste test, oh my, it is yummy.

2 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup onion, chopped, 2 3/4 ounces
1 clove garlic, minced
2 stalks celery, chopped
1 medium carrot, chopped, 3 ounces
2 teaspoons chicken bouillon granules
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon dry parsley
1/2 teaspoon paprika
2 teaspoons xanthan gum
12 ounces cauliflower, chopped, about 1/2 small
4 cups chicken broth
2 cups heavy cream
2 cups diced cooked chicken
1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
Salt, to taste, about 1-2 teaspoons

In a large soup kettle, sauté the onion, garlic, celery and carrot in butter until almost tender. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, stir together the bouillon, pepper, dry parsley, paprika and xanthan gum. When the vegetables are tender, sprinkle the seasoning mixture over them; mix well. Add the cauliflower and broth. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, on low heat about 20 minutes or until vegetables are very tender. Stir in the cream, chicken and fresh parsley. Simmer until soup is heated through. Add salt to taste.

Makes about 6-8 servings
Can be frozen

I got the recipe from the famous low carber, Linda Sue, you can view it here:

Dave stayed busy all day, raked hay, hauled grain to town.
I picked tomatoes tonite, salsa tomorrow, it's on my To Do List!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


It was COLD this morning, down to 40 degrees. I guess Fall is officially here. Chores as normal, breakfast, clean kitchen, then I worked on pictures for 2 hours. Got Schmiesings done and posted on Flickr. I have to redo Emily's. I don't know what I did wrong, must have had the setting wrong on the flash, but everyone of the ones I took inside did not turn out. Suzanne is bringing her over tomorrow to redo. Thank goodness Emily is a little doll and loves to get her picture taken. Lesson learned, check and recheck all the setting when I move from one place to the next. I had the flash dialed down, just needed a little fill, so I suppose when I moved in I forgot to check it.

I also ordered Julie's pictures from Mpix today. I hope it works.

Also spent some time picking up rotten apples from under the tree. Now I will check everday for windfalls and make applesauce or pies out of them.

Dave cut hay today. He says there isn't much in there, but 200 bales is 200 bales. Course those 200 bales will probably keep us from going to the cities this weekend. His back is out again. We had to dig around and find the strong muscle relaxers that he got the last time his back was out.

I cooked one of our homegrown chickens tonite. Yummy. I swear the breast on one of those birds is like a 3 lb roast. I just made the breasts and wings tonite and got a pan full of meat. I will boil the rest tomorrow and have chicken enchiladas with it.

Well, it is 10:30 already. I swear, these days just are flying by. Night

Tired Monday

The weekend caught up. I am dragging today. We finished filling silo. They pulled in about 10:30 and were finished filling by 12:30, that includes a half hour to fill up their tractors and chopper. I cooked them dinner. We had hamburgers with fresh buns, cheesy potatoes, tomatoes in oil and vinegar, and warm apple crisp. I also baked chocolate chip cookies in the morning, made an extra apple crisp to throw in the freezer, and a small batch of applesauce. I did get 4 pictures uploaded to istock last night. I have to get my portfolio built up. The rest of the day I go zero accomplished........

Sunday, September 7, 2008


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Got chores done, boys up, feed, dressed and then called Ryan and Robyn to come over and let all the kids play together. We went for a walk in the grove and let the kids run till they couldn't any more. Dinner was a frozen pizza, then Carter and I played outside till Jack got up from his nap. We took oodles of pictures. Bex picked the boys up at 3:30. I think they were ready to go home again. I know Jack was. I took a little nap then headed to Schmeisings to do pictures. The outside ones turned out really cool, but I have to redo Em's. I must not have had the flast set right, they were all blurry. I probably had it set to rear sink. Darn, I thought I was getting good, guess I still have a lot to learn! Tired now, off to bed.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Silo Filling

A good day. We got up early (only 10 minutes, but hey, at 5:50, ten minutes is 10 minutes), did chores and got the big silo ready to go in the air. I ran back and forth from the barn to the house 4 times to check on Carter and Jack. Everything worked out perfect. Carter was up the 4th time, I just put his favorite show on (calliou) and told him I would be in the barn. He was good with that. Got our work done and he was still happily sitting on the couch watching his show. After breakfast Carter and I baked an apple cake. I peeled the apples the night before so it was fast and easy. Carter got to go with Dave hauling manure, that helped him with his tractor fix. After dinner we went out and watched the big corn chopper and 3 wagons pull up to fill our silos. Matt, John Deprez, Joe Zueg and Ryan were here. Ry took off work early to help, which was really a huge help to Dave. They worked on filling silo till rain caused them to stop. If it would have given us one more hour we would have been finished.

I made chili for supper with my tomatoes from the garden. Yummy!

Here is a picture of Jack enjoying his first sucker. Carter was having fun dancing for me while I took pictures, Ryan blowing the first load of silage up.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Another great day. Had to run to Marshall today to get the essentials. I talked to my Mom all the way over and got caught up in her life. I love chatting on the cell phone when I drive. I know, I shouldn't, but that is the beauty of living in a rural area. I probably met 5 cars all the way to Marshall. I spent an hour in Shopko. Got a new sweater for Fall and a pair of cords to go with it. I love Shopko. Then on to HyVee for groceries. Holy Crap, food is getting expensive! I haven't paid that much for food since I had all the boys home. After I got over the shock of my food bill I set out for home. Made a light dinner and then helped Dave get silo up in the air. Silo filling should start tomorrow if all goes well.

I also canned 7 quarts and 4 pints of sauerkraut. I hope it turns out. I have a feeling I should have let it ferment longer.

Becky and the boys came about 5:30. She has to work at 3:00am, so she spends the night and then gets up and leaves at 2:30.

I am tired, has been a big day and the weekend will be even busier.

My picture is of my sunflowers. I cut them down the other day. Dave didn't want them to form seeds. He is afraid of wild sunflowers growing in the fields. These are the last of the blooms. I loved them so much, next year plan on growing even more.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rob, Rob, Rob, Cory, Cory, Cory

Since I decided to share this with my kids I have had nothing but grief from Rob and Cory. Apparently I don't mention them enough. I can't help it Ryan is my favorite (haha). I have no favorite, I love all my boys equally, yet differently. Oh yeah, Adam, Adam, Adam. Heck, who am I kidding, Adam probably didn't take the time to follow the link in the first place, and Ryan won't give me his email address, so how would he even get to read about himself???

Today was a great day! I canned tomatoes today. Ha, bet you think I'm crazy, why would canning tomatoes make it a great day? Well, you haven't seen the tomatoes. Just kidding. I got to go take pictures of Rob's ERU unit. I was a bit nervous, all those guys, cops on top of it. My high school mentality kicked in for a minute, the even though I have done nothing wrong I still feel guilty feeling. But was all good. I was in my element, getting to take pictures and being in a place that causes adrenaline rushes.

Jason came and shot pigeons for us. It is really getting to be a problem, we are starting to feel like we live in Central Park in New York, pigeons everywhere. About 5:30 I noticed Cookie was missing. Checked everywhere and couldn't find him. I hopped on the 4-wheeler, went over to Bernie's to see if he followed Nel's Gator. Nope. Got home and the phone rang, here he ran over to Robert's. I think the gun shots must have scared him. He is not my favorite animal, but I still didn't want anything to happen to him.

Tomorrow off to Marshall for groceries. Getting ready for silo filling.

Yesterday worked at a funeral at church. Here are a few pictures from today.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008