Friday, March 13, 2009

We left the farm today

Went to Redwood and ran errands. Ate dinner at Country Kitchen (all you can eat fish), Wally World, 50.00 worth of groceries at Tersteegs, then onto Wabasso.

Dave dropped me off at the library, then went visiting, I mean doing business. TWO HOURS later he remembered I was at the library. Course, I really didn't mind because I WAS at the library. I read every magazine on their rack. I love the library.

Home, chores.......supper, tired.

Some really good news..........It got warm today. I was so happy to feel the suns heat on my skin. I seriously thought I would never feel that again. This winter is getting long and depressing. A little ray of hope today.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Will Spring Never Come???

Another winter blizzard........oh man, this is getting depressing.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Went bumming today

I had a dr.s appt. in Willmar. First chores, then I helped Dave load a steer and a cow to take to the sales barn. Dave all picked up our new bull today. His name is Durham Lynch. I will get a picture taken tomorrow.

I went to the Dr., then onto Target and Cub, then home.

Oh yeah, I locked my keys in the car. I am getting bolder in my old age. Got a carpenter to help me get the key from it's hiding place.

I talked on the cell phone for almost 3 hours while driving. Got caught up with mom and Julie and Cory.

I a so tired...........Off to bed. Tomorrow another big day.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Ohhhhhhhh, didn't get the camera out again today. Have another old picture up. Shame on me!

Today we hauled a steer away finally. Freezer is looking pretty sad. I cleaned upstairs for an hour and worked on some photography stuff.

Weather beautiful, 40 degrees. Maybe Spring is coming. Tomorrow even better.

Wheat, I love wheat, I love wheat fields, there is just something about that golden color and the way they have the kernels and those little hairs, Love Wheat.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Kind of a boring day. I did bookwork for 3 hours, made dinner, did dishes, blah, blah......

Dave moved some calves around and cleaned baby calf pens. Supper was overcooked, Biggest Loser was great. Now I'm going to bed.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday Monday, humming old Mamas and the Papas tune

I love the mamas and the papas. there will be no capitalization today, have my wrist brace on and it is a bugger to reach with that baby finger.

Spring just might come, 25 degrees today. Feels wonderful to see the sun. Had a calf this morning, we now have no room at the inn again. Calve number 12 is parked in the straw. The calf we had outside (chilly willy)is proving to be a real pain in the butt. He isn't learning how to drink and is trying my patience

Mailman brought me pictures today. I love getting a new order. Got some for Robyn, Krysta and the Haven's.

Have been reading about metering on I love photography website, so went out today and did some practicing. Everytime I think I got it all down and think I know it all, I find out I know nothing. I love how photographers are so willing to share what they know with the rest of us. Pictures today, sun reflecting off ice, Sadie Lady and Cookie Monster........Hey, I can do capitals......

Started back on Atkins today. Tired of having a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear. I am dedicated this time. NO CHEATS

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Just a quick post. Made it to Mankato yesterday for Mom's 70th Birthday. We all met at the Green Mill. Bob and Diane, John and Rena, Ry,Robyn, Cory, Stacy, Kristy and Nick, Amanda and Elizibeth, plus all us kids made it. Was fun, food was good (except for Dave's, as usual), Judy made a wonderful cake, yummy. I hope mom had fun, haven't talked to her today.
This is a short post, wrist hurts.........later