Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday Monday, humming old Mamas and the Papas tune

I love the mamas and the papas. there will be no capitalization today, have my wrist brace on and it is a bugger to reach with that baby finger.

Spring just might come, 25 degrees today. Feels wonderful to see the sun. Had a calf this morning, we now have no room at the inn again. Calve number 12 is parked in the straw. The calf we had outside (chilly willy)is proving to be a real pain in the butt. He isn't learning how to drink and is trying my patience

Mailman brought me pictures today. I love getting a new order. Got some for Robyn, Krysta and the Haven's.

Have been reading about metering on I love photography website, so went out today and did some practicing. Everytime I think I got it all down and think I know it all, I find out I know nothing. I love how photographers are so willing to share what they know with the rest of us. Pictures today, sun reflecting off ice, Sadie Lady and Cookie Monster........Hey, I can do capitals......

Started back on Atkins today. Tired of having a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear. I am dedicated this time. NO CHEATS

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