Friday, July 25, 2008

Flippin Friday

Really nothing too exciting has been happening around here lately, but hey, who's complaining.

Sometimes it is a good thing to have it quiet and peaceful. Dave worked on spraying beans for weeds and insects today.

I worked with my pictures for a lot of the day. Got in on my 100 page book for 20.00. It took a lot of time. I hope it will be worth it. In between I did things like 2 loads of laundry, weeded some flower beds, picked veggie in the garden.

I made a good supper. I copied the idea from Applebee's. I grilled chicken breasts, then topped it with pepperjack cheese and fried onions. Yummy

Don't have much else on my mind tonite. My boys are in Piere SD on a custom harvest vacation, so I'm thinking about them.

Chris had a birthday 2 days ago. Too bad I can't find his birthday card that I bought a month ago. It was so funny. I will have to keep searching.

A picture of each one of my favorite people.

Dave and I are still fighting this cold. Just can't seem to get back to 100%

Well, guess I will call it a night.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Cat in the tree

Carter calls this one Sugars. Cookie seems to think she belongs in the tree and Sugars obliges by running up there everytime he chases her.

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Cory's Birthday Thursday

Today is Cory's 25th birthday. He and Ryan and Rob are on their way to Piere SD right now. For a vacation the boys are going custom harvesting for 4 days. They are all excited about it! Robyn's dad Kenny is the one who got Ry excited about the whole trip. I am sure it is going to be a great experience for them all.
I have been harvesting in my garden. Took pictures to put on istock. The coleslaw way yummy.
We had Harvestland out yesterday picking up 5 loads of corn. Since Dave has been sick he is so tired. In between loads he would nap in the hammock.
I went to Redwood today to pick up eggs and medicine. A quick trip. Went home and made Cory applecrisp for his birthday treat.
I have been working all day on a winkflash book with my favorite pictures. I am up to page 50.
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Germy Wednesday

Dave and I are still fighting to get healthy. I am 80% better, I would guess Dave is about 30% better. He has this nasty cough that keeps him awake most of the night. I am fighting a combination of stuffy, then runny nose.

Today Harvestland picked up 5 loads of corn for us. In between loads Dave would nap in the hammock, poor guy. I got busy and mixed up my bread machine mix for the week. I line up 8 yogurt containers, then measure all the dry ingredients for 1 loaf of bread, or 10 buns. Then when I need bread or buns I just add 1 cup of water and 1 Tbsp butter to my bread machine pan and dump in a mix. Easy Peasy.

I also got my head of cabbage from the garden made into cole slaw, my green beans snapped, an onion chopped and took pictures of it all. I started downloading to Istock again. I all takes time, but hopefully I will make some money on my pictures. I am also trying to get my best pictures loaded into winkflash. They have a deal now where you can make up to a 100 page book for just 20.00. I am so ready to make a book of all my favorite pictures. I would like to get this all done in the next few days, so I want to get all my pictures uploaded tonite. It is taking a long time to get this done. I went and made the mistake of deleting all my flickr and whcc folders. Figured I wouldn't need them as I had the original, not thinking that these were the pictures I really worked on. Crap.............

It was a beautiful day today. No humidity, and the high of only 80. I could take much more of this weather, but I know for the crops to get caught up we need more heat. We did catch an inch of rain last Friday night. They are talking more for tonite. It would certainly be welcome.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Playing Catch Up

Friday I had Carter and Jack so Becky could go to the Poison Concert at Jackpot. They were very good little boys. We played, did chores, hung out on the patio. Carter wanted to play hide and seek, so I put Jack in the wagon and we went in to grove for a good game of hide and seek. Course, Carter has his own version of the game. He tells me where to hide, then he counts to 15 then comes and finds us. Funny thing, he always knows where we are. When it is his turn to hide, he always hides in the same place, so we have no trouble finding him either. We have lots of fun in the grove, though I think Jack thinks we are a little looney. He kept giving me this funny look.

Saturday was chicken butchering day. The boys wanted to do it all in one day. 75 chickens in one day is a lot of work. We were all so tired by the end of the day. The chickens were huge! 7-10 lbs.......Wow, that is a lot of meat. I was so tired at the end of the day I climbed into the bathtub to soak my muscles. I got leg cramps so bad, I couldn't move my legs. I had to roll out of the tub. Adam was home for the weekend so he got in on the chicken butchering. John Baune also came over and helped with 2 batches.

Sunday I went on a nature walk and got some pictures with all the condensation from the fog. Had Carter's 4th Birthday party at noon. Had fun with Becky's folks, playing yard games. Boys had lots of fun with the water balloons Stacy brought. I made taco salad, but never got to put the dressing or chips on. Needless to say, I tasted it and thought to myself, something is off here.

In the afternoon, Dave and I both started feeling sick. I knew Rob and Bex had strep, so we went home and started on penicyllin. Monday we were both sicker then dogs. Did chores and that is it. Layed around and slept.

Today is Tuesday. I finished a book while sick, the new Odd book my Dean Koontz. Love the series of books. We still feel punky, but think it is getting better. Dave took a trip to Springfield to pick up feed. I cleaned the kitchen and took a walk. Chores and then I am sure we will hit the sack early......there, caught up.

I'm so behind.........

Here are a few random images from Sunday morning. Woke up to a beautiful fog. Grabbed the camera after chores to capture some nature shots. Top one is my new kitty.......
Itsty Bitsy spider
I can't believe almost the end of July and peas are still setting pods for me. Yummy........
Just a shot of the cows.

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Frantic Friday

Man, some days are crazy, and today is one of them. I had a bunch of cooking and baking to do to get ready for chicken butchering and Carter's birthday. I have been watching the food network and especially The Next Food Network Star. I see how when they have a big job in the kitchen they make a p.l.a (plan of action) so I did that. It helped, that is for sure, but I still fell behind. Here is what I did accomplish in no particular order.....
1. 3 doz hamb. buns
2. l loaf of bread
3. 8 brat buns
4. baked, sliced and bagged a ham
5. 2 doz. cupcakes
6.1 big bowl potatoe salad
7. fried potatoes for supper
8 prepped cauliflower for sunday salad
9. watched Carter and Jack
10. that is it, I'm shot!

Now, it is Sat. morning, and it is raining..........I will be upset if we don't get those chickens butchered. Will post pictures later.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I started my new habit today, swished and swiped both bathrooms. I know that doesn't sound too exciting, but a new habit makes my little heart go pitty pat.......... I love new habits, I just don't like to keep doing them long enough to form an actual habit..........exercise is another habit I just can't seem to form, oh, I want to, but I just can't seem to do that first lunge, or walk that first mile. Maybe that can be next months new habit.

BIG tenths of rain this morning. For a crop farmer (or obsessed gardener) who hasn't had rain in a long time, it truly is a thing of joy. On the other hand, being a dairy farmer also, the rain makes the cows get all dirty, and the flies get meaner, so we can't enjoy that rain 100%.

Went to Redwood to my beloved library. Got a whole new stack of books and magazines. Heaven I tell you, I'm in heaven. Got Dean Koontz' new "Odd" book. I love Odd Thomas. I know he is fictional, but I still love him. If he came to my house, I would bake him chocolate chip cookies and just mother him cause he had such a crappy mom.

Also picked up groceries in Redwood. Just the coupon stuff. Everything has gotten so expensive since fuel has gone up to 4.00 a gallon. I really watch the ads now, try to get and make meals around the sale items. This week, 2 pork tenderloins for 10.00. Yummy..........also 2 pkgs. of brats for 5.00. That is 4 meals right there. I grilled chicken for supper, and steak. I grilled the chicken because I layed it out yesterday and it needed to get cooked, steak because Dave was not happy about eating chicken 2 meals in a row. Spoiled I tell ya!!

Well Bedtime for this chicky

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday is for Groceries, Griffy, & humidity

What a hot sticky day today was. The temperature reached 93, with 93% humidity. Still no rain......Oh man, we need rain. Crops in sandy, high areas are starting to dry up. We have a good chance tonite and tomorrow to catch some rain, so if you drive by and see me out in the yard doing the jig, it's just my version of a rain dance.

The usual morning, chores, breakfast (same breakfast everyday, 2 eggs scrambled, 1 pc. bacon), chickens, helped get cows out of the barn, then into the air conditioner....... I did clean some of the basement. Long overdue. I am trying to start a new habit every month. I decided today my habit will be to clean bathrooms everyday. No more waiting till you almost need a bio-hazard suit to go in there.

After dinner I got to pick up Griffer for his pre-surgery physical. He was in such a cute mood. He has an infectious giggle. We did "how big is Griffy" all the way over to Marshall. Got there a bit early, so a walk through the bookstore is just what the Dr. ordered. I let Griff feel how soft all the stuffed animals were, and had him show me where their nose and eyes were. Done playing, time to get everything on my list..............I call it "nessecisty shopping". Not so much fun.

Home, unload, chores, supper, now Good night...............

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Veggie heaven

After chores this morning went into my garden, my fridge was bare and I was hungry for something fresh. I got 2 heads of cauliflower, 1 head of cabbage, an onion and my first little picking of green beans. I am not a green bean fan, but I am telling you, after trying a new recipe, I am going to be making green beans alot from now on. Oh my, yummy, delish, green goodness! I recipe is on Pioneer Women cooks.....go check it out.

I don't know what I did, but my neck doesn't want to move today........

Picked up 5 loads of hay out of the field, then I made coleslaw with my cabbage. Took a nap this afternoon. Not something I usually do, but the neck thing ya know.

Robyn, Ryan and the kids stopped tonite. Brought me a car seat so I can take Griffer to Marshall tomorrow for his dr. appt. They stayed till 8:30. Supper, now bed.............night.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Today we baled our hay. We got almost a thousand bales. Rob and Carter came out to help. Carter likes to ride in the baler...............for about a round, then he is bored. Rob picked up the hay and Carter and I drove the hay rakes around the field for him. We filled the 5 rakes by 4:45. Rob and Carter went home, then after chores Ryan came and he helped Dave stack the hay in the shed. We sure do have some GREAT boys!

I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies this morning, plus a batch of buns and a loaf of bread.

Ordered pictures from Adromada. I have never tried them before, so I am excited to see how they turn out.

Flies are biting horribly.

Have to go to bed now..................

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The weekend is over

It's Sunday night, where did this weekend go again? Sat. morning I cleaned house and got everything all pretty. Bec and the boys got here about 4:00. They were staying overnight so Bec could get up and go to work and they boys could stay with Dave and I. We had Casey Petersen's wedding dance in the evening. Chris stopped so we got to chat with him a while, then on to Lamberton. It was fun seeing old friends again. I made the mistake of not getting a diet coke to drink, got thirsty and grabbed a beer. That was it for me. Some things in life are just not fair, me not being able to drink is one of them. My nose turns into the most disgusting thing, won't stop running, then I start sneezing. Time to go home. We snuck out and made it home by 11:00.
Cory and Stacy stayed overnight. They had the Goche wedding dance in Wabasso.

Stacy got up with the boys so I could do chores without worrying about them being in the house by themselves. Did chores, made breakfast, then took the boys out to play. We hung out in the backyard in the shade most of the day. I let Carter play with the hose and some sand pails. That kept him busy. Rob stopped and stayed for dinner, Cory and Stacy stayed, and Ryan stopped for a visit. We had a good time. I made lasagna for dinner. Bec picked the boys up at 3:30, then time for chores and supper.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Sweltering hot Friday

The heat and humidity was horrible today. Like 95 degrees and 90% humidity. Ick. I did chores and then cleaned house till dinner time. Grilled burgers. Dave swatted his alfalfa in the morning, watered cattle after dinner, then took a well deserved nap. I had to run to the bank after dinner, then started stripping the wall paper off the bathroom walls so I can paint. Worked on it about 4 hours, still not done. Will finish in the morning.

I made Herion wings for supper. They are Atkins friendly, and ohhhh so yummy. Ry, Robyn and the kids stopped in. A cool front came through and now it is 75 glorious degrees..........HEAVEN!!!

Cory called to tell us he witnessed a tornado in Willmar, and poor Stacy had to drive around one on the way into Willmar. Scary, scary stuff!

That is it, bedtime...............

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

No pictures today, but just wanted to check in. I spent the morning working in the garden. I lose all track of time when I am in there. I gave dave my watch, so he would know what time to come out of the bean field for dinner, when he showed up I thought he finished early. Here it was 12:10. I had been in the garden for 3 hours, weeding, watering, eating (peas). After dinner I stayed in and did 3 loads of laundry. Rob stopped and visited while I was grilling supper tonite. That is my day in a nutshell..............what does that mean, in a nutshell???

Oh yeah, I spent an hour combing the undercoat off of Sadie, now my allergies are horrible. Next time, wear a mask!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Today was a running day

Chores done.......check
breakfast made.......check
play on the internet an hour........check
make dinner.............check
make s.f. jello.......check
After dinner I had to run to Wanda to the bank, then to Lucan to pick up Griffyn. I met Robyn at the dr. office, passed off Griff, then onto the gas station (to buy cigs for Dave), then to the library. Back to the dr., take baby back so Robyn can head back to work (Griffy needs tubes put in his ears). Griff and I go to Walmart, visit with Judy, buy a few groceries, then back to Lucan. Picked up Addisyn and took her home with Griff and I. We played outside, went for 4 wheeler rides, hung out with the new kitties. The pictures today are of Addisyn and Cora. She loves that cat and carries it everywhere, even though Cora is almost as big as she is. She is tough little girl, going to be strong! The others are of griff, what a cutie pie. Last is my dill........tired, gotta go to bed.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Fourth of July

Sat. we had Becky, Carter and Jackson come in the morning. It had been 3 weeks since Dave had seen the boys. Carter brought his little John Deere Gator and got to drive all over the farm. Rob came after work and we grilled shish kabob and brats. We wanted to let Carter play with sparklers and roast marshmellows, but it was terribly windy.
Last night I played with the flash on my camera. I'm trying to get the whole fill flash concept down better. Lots of over exposed shots, but I think I am getting better. Wish I had a person to model for me, so I could really get it right.
These little birds are under the eave in front of our house. They were so still, even with the flash going off. I wonder if their mama taught them to stay very still if strangers come about.
Sunday afternoon I took a nap, I never nap, so I must have been tired.
Today I worked in the garden in the morning, picked peas and lettuce. Very hot and humid day. Just keeping the chickens watered is a chore. Dave hooked up a big barn fan for them. It is their saving grace. Blows lots of air around.

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Friday, July 4, 2008

More road ditch pictures

Dave has to get out of the tractor when a bale tips, or a string gets caught and fix it manually. Cookie and tractor taken in my rear view mirror.

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Road Ditch Hay

Today we picked up the bales of hay that Dave racked and baled yesterday. It looks scary, going up and down the road ditches like that. I am always afraid the tractor will tip. Dave knows what he is doing and is not worried about the tractor tipping. Cookie had to go with us. Bob and Lorrine stopped and we chatted with them for a while. Dave got 400 bales.
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