Friday, July 11, 2008

Sweltering hot Friday

The heat and humidity was horrible today. Like 95 degrees and 90% humidity. Ick. I did chores and then cleaned house till dinner time. Grilled burgers. Dave swatted his alfalfa in the morning, watered cattle after dinner, then took a well deserved nap. I had to run to the bank after dinner, then started stripping the wall paper off the bathroom walls so I can paint. Worked on it about 4 hours, still not done. Will finish in the morning.

I made Herion wings for supper. They are Atkins friendly, and ohhhh so yummy. Ry, Robyn and the kids stopped in. A cool front came through and now it is 75 glorious degrees..........HEAVEN!!!

Cory called to tell us he witnessed a tornado in Willmar, and poor Stacy had to drive around one on the way into Willmar. Scary, scary stuff!

That is it, bedtime...............

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