Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday's are fundays

Wide awake at 4:30am. That is Soooo not me. Got up and cleaned kitchen, did chores (had a new calve yesterday) and got ready to go take the Matiowetz clan pictures. They are surprising their mom and dad for Christmas with prints. Stopped by Ryan's on my way home and got to hang with Addisyn for a while. They are going to Hoffman for the Sanstead Thanksgiving. Cory and Stacy went to the Schmiesing Thanksgiving, and Adam headed back to St. Cloud.

We just had another calf, like a half hour ago, so at 9:00pm, it's back to the barn to milk and feed a baby.

I am going to bed early. Good night........

PS.....yesterday got to do Christy and Ed's family. Their girls are adorable and sweet, so much fun!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Today I spent the day

sitting on the computer. Catching up on pictures I promised everyone I would do. Got Rob and Bex xmas card done, got Kayla and Kris' pictures edited and made them each a few cards to chose from.

It was a beautiful sunny 77 today, but the wind was horrible, couldn't work outside on anything. Sounds like more of the same for tomorrow.

Dave chiseled up by Hanson's today.

I have a new addiction........facebook. I have a feeling I never should have started that. A big time waster, but it is fun to hear from people you haven't in a while.

Past my bedtime.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm getting too old for

Hangovers.............Halloween party lots of fun, hangover, not so much. Got up, did chores, made breakfast, found the couch, slept 3 hours, got up, found the recliner, slept for 1 more hour. Cory was hungry and volunteered to grill steak, yummy........sat on the computer a few hours, watched tv, time for bed.

Sat. had Jack, Carter and Addisyn. Love watching them all play together. Cory took them uptown a few times to take back anhydrous tanks. More later.......

Here are a few pictures of the kiddos playing in the grove......

Guess I have to start being a better blogger after Cory told me he checks it everyday. Sorry Cory, I will work harder. Maybe if you left a little love in the comments I would know your checking and be better about it. Was fun meeting Heather and Shane. They are so nice!