Monday, June 9, 2008

Little bit of this, little bit of that

Spent an hour in the kitchen after chores this morning. I washed up some lettuce, cut up my cauliflower, made a new batch of sf jello, and mixed up the bread flour mixes for the next week. Then I went out and tried to do some gardening. Planted my flowers around the light pole and put in marigolds by the tool shed. Just so darned windy today, was horrible working outside. Dave wanted to spray but couldn't because of the rain, so instead he mowed a little bit. We had dinner, then basically just hung around till chores time. Caught up on my new tv shows.

I grilled us a nice tbone and salad for supper. After eating I saw that the sun was setting so pretty, so grabbed the camera and went for a walk in the grove. The trees were so pretty, they looked orange from the sunset. On the computer for a while, then off to bed.

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