Thursday, June 5, 2008

Stormy Thursday

Today was my go bumming day. I love go bumming day almost as much as I love digging up the yard day. After chores and a quick breakfast off to Marshall. First stop truvalu, where I have to get Dave a dollars worth of stuff. I have a 5.00 off 25.00 coupon, so all I need to do is spend 24.00 more dollars to cash in my coupon. Mission Complete, I am now the proud owner of a floor fan, a neat thing to screw on the end of your hose to water things, and 3 more pkgs. of flower seed. You just got to love those coupons, all that for only 20.00.

On to Shopko, where I run into Marlys, Tom and Spencer. Have a little visit with them. Note to self, have them over some night to grill. I have baby presents to buy for the twins, then I find a shower curtain I like, buy 2, cause they are marked down and I can make curtains with the second one, 2 rugs, and I am 100.00 dollars poorer, but my bathroom sure will look nice!

Next, Walmart, take back all the brown I was going to do my bedroom in. Now it is Taupe, it is hard to find Taupe, what the hell is Taupe??? I found Taupe material, will be making the curtains for that room too. Got fun stuff in Walmart, like dog food, cat food, decongestant for my poor sinuses, oh yeah, and paint for the bathroom, so I can have a whole new room. Don't worry, there will be before and after pictures.

I hear the thunder in Walmart. All day long they have been saying look out for severe weather. After talking to Judy for 40 minutes in the store I figure I better high tail it for home. I made it and so far all we have gotten is a lot of rain, a lot of wind, and gloomy skies. Over an inch of rain. Oh, all those flowers I planted yesterday are going to love this weather!

Of course my shopping trip wouldn't be complete without more flowers. I got 8 more impatiens, just because you can't have too much of that beautiful vibrant color. 8 Salvia and 8 dusty miller for around the light pole. I have to hide them from Dave, he is threatening to hide my spade. I have orders, "no more digging up the yard."

Today my chickens are 2 weeks old today. They have eaten 100 lbs of feed, so it took l lb a chicken for the first 14 days. I will post a picture of them tomorrow. The pictures today are just to prove we got an inch of rain today. The other is my flower basket in front of the house. I love red and purple.

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