Friday, September 26, 2008

Breakdown day-Friday

Was a good day today. We had some minor breakdowns, a sickle blade broke on the combine. Took a half hour to get that fixed. Just got back home from the field and Cory called, his tractor was heating. I went and picked him up and he blew out the air filters. Later on it heated again, so they ran me to town to get a heat sensor. I then picked Dave up, drove him home to put the sensor in. Got Cory going again, then I drove Dave back up the the quarter so he could start combining again. Harvestland spread fertilizer so Cory could chisel, he finished up Flavia's 40 acres, then got most of the home field done.

Dave was ready to quit at 8:00, but Ryan wanted to keep combining, it is now 10:30 and they are going to finish the field. Cory and Stacy went out to get the last load. We are all going to be dragging tomorrow.

I got to give Suzanne her pictures this morning. Then I basically spent the day running. I made Lasagna for supper, but they haven't eaten yet.

90 degrees today, windy everyday.

The copper stopped tonite. Didn't get to talk to him long, we were just finishing chores. I could almost feel his longing to get into a tractor. You can take the boy off the farm, but you can't take the farm outta the boy. I hope his two weeks off works for corn!!! I am praying it works.


The pictures are pretty self explanatory today.

Carter, you love to pretend your driving and especially love to back up. I asked you when you were in the tractor what you want to be when you grow up, I said "do you want to be a policeman like Daddy, or a John Deere fixer like Uncle Ryan"? You said "I just want to be big enough when I grow up to drive tractor all by myself". Sweet boy, time flies so fast, you will be "big enough" before you know it!

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