Tuesday, September 9, 2008


It was COLD this morning, down to 40 degrees. I guess Fall is officially here. Chores as normal, breakfast, clean kitchen, then I worked on pictures for 2 hours. Got Schmiesings done and posted on Flickr. I have to redo Emily's. I don't know what I did wrong, must have had the setting wrong on the flash, but everyone of the ones I took inside did not turn out. Suzanne is bringing her over tomorrow to redo. Thank goodness Emily is a little doll and loves to get her picture taken. Lesson learned, check and recheck all the setting when I move from one place to the next. I had the flash dialed down, just needed a little fill, so I suppose when I moved in I forgot to check it.

I also ordered Julie's pictures from Mpix today. I hope it works.

Also spent some time picking up rotten apples from under the tree. Now I will check everday for windfalls and make applesauce or pies out of them.

Dave cut hay today. He says there isn't much in there, but 200 bales is 200 bales. Course those 200 bales will probably keep us from going to the cities this weekend. His back is out again. We had to dig around and find the strong muscle relaxers that he got the last time his back was out.

I cooked one of our homegrown chickens tonite. Yummy. I swear the breast on one of those birds is like a 3 lb roast. I just made the breasts and wings tonite and got a pan full of meat. I will boil the rest tomorrow and have chicken enchiladas with it.

Well, it is 10:30 already. I swear, these days just are flying by. Night

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