Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Germy Wednesday

Dave and I are still fighting to get healthy. I am 80% better, I would guess Dave is about 30% better. He has this nasty cough that keeps him awake most of the night. I am fighting a combination of stuffy, then runny nose.

Today Harvestland picked up 5 loads of corn for us. In between loads Dave would nap in the hammock, poor guy. I got busy and mixed up my bread machine mix for the week. I line up 8 yogurt containers, then measure all the dry ingredients for 1 loaf of bread, or 10 buns. Then when I need bread or buns I just add 1 cup of water and 1 Tbsp butter to my bread machine pan and dump in a mix. Easy Peasy.

I also got my head of cabbage from the garden made into cole slaw, my green beans snapped, an onion chopped and took pictures of it all. I started downloading to Istock again. I all takes time, but hopefully I will make some money on my pictures. I am also trying to get my best pictures loaded into winkflash. They have a deal now where you can make up to a 100 page book for just 20.00. I am so ready to make a book of all my favorite pictures. I would like to get this all done in the next few days, so I want to get all my pictures uploaded tonite. It is taking a long time to get this done. I went and made the mistake of deleting all my flickr and whcc folders. Figured I wouldn't need them as I had the original, not thinking that these were the pictures I really worked on. Crap.............

It was a beautiful day today. No humidity, and the high of only 80. I could take much more of this weather, but I know for the crops to get caught up we need more heat. We did catch an inch of rain last Friday night. They are talking more for tonite. It would certainly be welcome.

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