Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday is for Groceries, Griffy, & humidity

What a hot sticky day today was. The temperature reached 93, with 93% humidity. Still no rain......Oh man, we need rain. Crops in sandy, high areas are starting to dry up. We have a good chance tonite and tomorrow to catch some rain, so if you drive by and see me out in the yard doing the jig, it's just my version of a rain dance.

The usual morning, chores, breakfast (same breakfast everyday, 2 eggs scrambled, 1 pc. bacon), chickens, helped get cows out of the barn, then into the air conditioner....... I did clean some of the basement. Long overdue. I am trying to start a new habit every month. I decided today my habit will be to clean bathrooms everyday. No more waiting till you almost need a bio-hazard suit to go in there.

After dinner I got to pick up Griffer for his pre-surgery physical. He was in such a cute mood. He has an infectious giggle. We did "how big is Griffy" all the way over to Marshall. Got there a bit early, so a walk through the bookstore is just what the Dr. ordered. I let Griff feel how soft all the stuffed animals were, and had him show me where their nose and eyes were. Done playing, time to get everything on my list..............I call it "nessecisty shopping". Not so much fun.

Home, unload, chores, supper, now Good night...............

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