Sunday, July 13, 2008

The weekend is over

It's Sunday night, where did this weekend go again? Sat. morning I cleaned house and got everything all pretty. Bec and the boys got here about 4:00. They were staying overnight so Bec could get up and go to work and they boys could stay with Dave and I. We had Casey Petersen's wedding dance in the evening. Chris stopped so we got to chat with him a while, then on to Lamberton. It was fun seeing old friends again. I made the mistake of not getting a diet coke to drink, got thirsty and grabbed a beer. That was it for me. Some things in life are just not fair, me not being able to drink is one of them. My nose turns into the most disgusting thing, won't stop running, then I start sneezing. Time to go home. We snuck out and made it home by 11:00.
Cory and Stacy stayed overnight. They had the Goche wedding dance in Wabasso.

Stacy got up with the boys so I could do chores without worrying about them being in the house by themselves. Did chores, made breakfast, then took the boys out to play. We hung out in the backyard in the shade most of the day. I let Carter play with the hose and some sand pails. That kept him busy. Rob stopped and stayed for dinner, Cory and Stacy stayed, and Ryan stopped for a visit. We had a good time. I made lasagna for dinner. Bec picked the boys up at 3:30, then time for chores and supper.

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